Carteck Drive 500Nm Garage Door Carteck Electric Operators

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Carteck Drive 500Nm


Door Type:
Electric Operators

 Easy-install control unit.

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The seperate control unit of the Carteck Drive 500Nm allows for flexible installation at a location close to the available power sockets.

The Carteck Drive 500Nm comes with 2x Pearl Twin Hand transmitters as standard.

Speed: 180mm/sec

Lighting: 1 x 3 LED Motor Light

Drive Pro (500Nm)

The Carteck Drive Pro 500Nm can lift any size door.

The Drive Pro has three alternatives for seperate installation of the housing unit (front, rear or on the ceiling). For more flexibility and convenience existing power sockets can be used.

The Carteck Drive Pro 500Nm comes with 2x Pearl Twin Hand transmitters as standard.

The Pearl Twin hand transmitters have twin buttons that can be configured for two functions such as open and close and turn on the light.

The difference between the Carteck Drive and the Drive Pro:

The Carteck Drive Pro has a seperate control unit that can be mounted by an existing power outlet or at a convenient position in the garage, perhaps by a side access door so you can open or close the door using the push buttons on the front of the control unit as you leave or enter your garage.

Additional accessories are available for the Drive 500 (Pro).

Please note some additional accessories won't be available for the Drive 500 (Pro).

Additional Transmitters:


   Carteck Pearl Status
Like the Pearl Vibe, the Pearl Status vibrates in your hand confirming that the control unit has received your command. Possibility of confirming door position.
Range: about 60 - 150m.
   Carteck Pearl Vibe
The Pearl Vibe transmitter option vibrates in your hand confirming that the control unit has received your command. It can also confirm if your door is open or closed using the bidirectional communication between the opener and transmitter. 
Range: about 60 - 150m.


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