Garage Doors With Pedestrian Doors

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Garage Doors with Pedestrian Access

Garage Doors with Pedestrian Access

Garage Doors with Pedestrian Access

The Garage Door Centre specialise in pedestrian access garage doors which are built into the main door panel; an excellently innovative product that could help you save time and conserve precious energy, whilst providing a safe and attractive point of entry to your home whenever you are on foot.

The option of a pedestrian door (or wicket door) being built into your garage door offers a very practical solution for anyone who visits their garage frequently on foot, or owns a house with an entrance from inside the garage itself, a feature which is common in many 'mews' style properties. it is really the perfect solution for any garage not used for a vehicle, but one of the many other uses that domestic garages are now used for in the UK.

The garage is often used, by the majority of people, for anything except a vehicle, meaning the door must now be a part of that contemporary solution whilst including the offering of good security levels, insulation and weather sealing. 

Several options are available for pedestrian doors in garage doors, which usually depend upon three factors –  the size, material and type of door mechanism required.

Hormann Sectional Garage Door with Wicket Pedestrian Door

The first significant feature of the pedestrian access garage door, is having the option to enter the garage from the driveway without having to open the entirety of the garage door. As a result, you don't have to endure the trouble of opening the entire door every time, as well as locking and unlocking it afterwards.

The Modern Lifestyle

The lifestyle of modern domesticity has developed into utilising the garage door as a secondary entrance into a mews style property or, in many cases, if the garage has transitioned into an additional room to the home. 

- We commonly arrive at home, open the garage door and enter the home via the garage door

- When playing, children may travel back and forth from the garage with bikes, footballs and other toys

Many garages have an alternate entrance to them. However, we have commonly disregarded them as a viable entrance, usually due to their location, off to the rear or side of the garage with various obstacles in the way. We tend to take the easy way in - not fumbling with lawnmowers, bikes or barbeques left blocking the way through. 

The convenience of garage doors with wicket doors comes with many subsequent advantages:

- A simple key to the locking gives you access to the garage

- The garage door stays down, therefore the contents of the garage is not exposed to the neighborhood or passers-by

- The Pedestrian door component swings outward, meaning it should never have any obstructions in front of it; more traditional entrances into the garages commonly have obstructions placed in front of them, prohibiting passage

- As an entrance to the garage within the garage door, a tremendous amount of space is economized; wall and floor space where another entrance would have been is left for the use of the occupant for storage

- In the event of a power failure, one can always enter or exit the garage via the Pedestrian Garage Door

The pedestrian garage door provides its users with a significant safety advantage; with no other point of entry into the garage but the wicket door, an intruder has to put himself in full view on the drive way in order to attempt gainin entry into the home. Each wicket door opens to the exterior, so any kicks or heavy force only closes the door further. In order to break in, one would have to pry outwards with adequate tools in full view of any surrounding neighbours. Other, more traditional entry doors to the garage have often been a preferred point of entry for break-ins.

Discover Our Pedestrian Access Range:

Hormann Sectional Doors with Pedestrian Wicket Doors

Hormann LPU 42 with Wicket Door inset

The colours available are white, laminate woodgrain or, at an extra cost,  most RAL colours. Sizes are available from 2250mm wide x 3000mm high to 4000mm x 2500mm with restrictions on certain designs at the larger widths and heights. Larger widths and heights can be achieved with the SPU 40 range of commercial sectional doors from Hormann as well as Carteck

They can be automated with all necessary safety devices in addition to the basic motor, but are always manually operated.

Styles Available

S Ribbed Woodgrain - Steel

M Ribbed Woodgrain - Steel

- M Ribbed Decograin - Steel

- L Panelled Woodgrain - Steel

Ribbed Stucco Finish (SPU 40) - Steel


Hormann Up & Over with Pedestrian Access

N80 and N500 Up and Over

European style and German manufactured retractable garage doors are available in white or choice of RAL colours for steel, and a base coat prefinish for timber doors. Sizes are available from 2250mm wide x 1929mm high up to 5000mm x 2375m.

They can all be automated with all safety devices required additional to the basic motor to prevent accidental operation when the pedestrian door is not closed properly. Most will be manual operation.

Styles Available

Hormann HST Side Sliding Sectional Garage Door for pedestrian access


Double skinned insulated steel 42mm Steel Door Panels

The same tried and tested and very robust steel door panels are used as in the Hormann LPU 42 standard sectional garage door.

Sizes are available up to 6500mm wide and 3000mm high.

This garage door is available in manual or electric operation, and has the same facility as all round the corner type doors have to partially open enough to let a pedestrian walk into the garage, without opening the whole door.

A round the corner garage door offers many benefits and is ideal where there is limited headroom inside.

Find out more about Hormann HST side sliding garage doors


Vertico Round the Corner Garage Door for easy pedestrian access



Available in aluminium insulated double skin lath sections

Sizes available from 2000mm wide x 3000mm high up to 5800mm x 3000mm in single parting and can be doubled in width for a bi-parting door arrangement. More versatility in operation.

Automation is standard on these doors and all safety and manual override facilities are included as standard. Pedestrian opening facility is available on the second button of the hand held transmitter to open the door a pre-determined width.

The Vertico is a good solid investment for your home and available in many colours, including laminate foil woodgrain finishes, perfectly simulating various timber species from light to dark in shading.

Find out more about SWS Veritco garage doors

Cedar Up and Over Doors with Pedestrian Doors


Cedar Timber Up & Overs

Only available in retractable operating gear and in a base coat or factory finish stain option. Wicket doors are available in the Bakewell design (see left) and the majority of their designs.

Sizes are available from 1980mm wide x 2286mm high to 5487mm x 2286mm.
Timber is the most versatile of materials, so making special designs by request is normally no problem at all and can provide the most personal and exact specification where detail is of high importance.

Can be automated with all necessary safety devices required as additional to the motor.
The pedestrian door can be on either the left or right hand side of the main door, and it is possible to change the size of the pedestrian door width within the constraints of the overall door design.

Find out more about Cedar up and over garage doors


Rundum Meir Round the Corner Doors for easy pedestrian access


Available in timber or steel sections

Original Rundum or side sectional doors have a pedestrian door facility by the very nature of their design, and if they are electrically operated they have a pedestrian door option setting. When the second button is pressed on the transmitter, the entire door can be set to only open a certain, pre-determined width, and then close again on a second press for quick and easy access on foot.

Safety is built into the motor units as standard, so automation can be considerably less costly than sectional or up and over extras required for the pedestrian door option.

Sizes available can be of almost any size for the original Rundum and 7000mm wide x 3000mm high for the side sectional timber door.

Find out more about Rundeum Meir round the corner doors



Wicket Door Inset Alternatives

Looking for easy pedestrian access, but a wicket door isn't for you? Various options such as round the corner or a massive choice of insulated steel and timber side hinged garage doors are also available from our extensive range!

Click an option below to find out more:

Round the Corner Garage Doors
Wicket Garage Doors
Side Hinged Garage Doors
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