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Roller Doors for Security
Looking for a roller garage door that offers genuine levels of higher security?
Roller Shutter Garage Doors are fast becoming one of the most popular garage door types throughout the UK. They offer some great features for sure, but most people will not even ever ask how they actually lock?
Security is a very serious consideration for all UK home owners. Not only is your garage often one of the easiest ways to break into your home, but it usually houses high value items that are easy for an intruder to steal and sell. An electric roller garage door with little or low security can be easily and often quietly opened within 10 seconds and then the intruder can spend a long time unseen inside your garage assessing the content or worse still getting into the main house through and internal door.
This is why it is important to consider the security of your new roller garage door, and this is why we offer a wide choice of roller doors with different levels of security dependent on your requirements.
A cheap roller garage door with minimal effort put into the internal designs will be a very easy and very quick door to break into. Leverage applied at the bottom will lift the curtain roll and access will be gained without too much further effort and all done relatively quietly.

NOTE: Always ensure your new garage door is compliant with all the very latest safety regulations in the UK, as many roller garage doors now being sold are not!
Security Ratings
We currently have an ever evolving range of electric roller garage doors available with security ratings. If you require a roller door that offers real security appropriate for the UK market, your best investment will be one that has been officially tested and certified to a standard appropriate for the application. Testing by an independent third party company for assessment of its effectiveness against a set number of rolls in a set time given.
LPCB - The Loss Prevention Certification Board is part of BRE. This organisation is committed to approving and certifying third-party standards for fire, security and environmental products.
LPS 1175 - LPS 1175 is a standard by the LPCB, and recognises a product as resistant to intruders.
Secured by Design - Secured by Design is an initiative recognised by UK Police and insurance companies, created to 'Design out Crime' with effective products.
Many factors influence the security and overall integrity on a roller garage door. Some simple basics cannot be ignored, such as:
The quality of the actual curtain slat used, the gauge of aluminium and thickness, plus overall design. So many ultra lightweight slats being used which are actually only meant for window shutters and head and light control and not for a garage door.
The UK industry norm is a 77mm concave double skinned aluminium slat which should be around 19mm thick, front to back.
There are a lot of very subtly different slats in this size category with different overall strength and performance characteristics. We tend to bang on somewhat about the high quality of most German manufactured slats, but that is the truth of it still. The Northern European market for double skinned aluminium shutters is far larger than here in the UK and they have been making these slat types for many years, very successfully. Of course there now exist many 'copies' but they are inferior in most cases.
Size and design of the internal barrel which the curtain roller around. Larger barrel size is best for overall performance and particualy relevant on wider double doors.
The barrel is what the door curtain wraps around and where the tube motor is housed. There are many different sizes for different size doors. The image to the left shows our standard expected with a good quality door construction and the solid extruded aluminium attachment for the curtain to the barrel is also important.
Cut corners in this area and the door curtain will most likely fail and come off the barrel fairly quickly in reality.
Method for holding the curtain closed. This is one of the biggest issues when many companies use a lightweight strap which doesn't hold the curtain down and means the whole curtain can be easily lifted or forced very easily too. There are some good and secure methods adapted in higher end roller doors.
The Seceuroglide Original and Excel use a patented solid block on either side of the top of the door curtain. When the door curatin closes down fully a steel bar in the top section of the top curtain slat sits neatly below the solid blocks and prevents the curtain from being lifted either side.
Simple, effective and maintenance free design for much greater levels of security
Width of the guides either side. The wider the guide the more force is required to push the curtain out, simplle...Also the guides can be extruded and heavy gauge aluminium for the best strength.
The guides either side of an electric aluminium door will usually be extruded aluminium profiles. The size and quality variance is great but this is an area where force can be applied from outside to force the door curtain out and gain access. High quality, extruded aluminium and a good width make all the difference gere in the overal integrity.
Curtain slat joining method. Each slat is connected to the next slat and at either end the way the slats are connected is important to help reduce the chance of forcing slats away from each other.
A patented and unique webbing offers greater resistance to attackand reduces noise and rattling which is common in many doors when nylon endlocks rattle i the guides in the wind..
Radio receiver technology. Is the technology used on the receiver up to date and using encoding technology to avoid radio signal capturing?
Most of the remote control systems we offer have end to end encoding to ensure code grabbing cannot take place by would be intruders.
A good signal strength, ergonomic design and a choice of handsets all make for a far better overall ownership and operation for your new electric operated door on a daily basis.
All these factors when addressed properly will add up to a high quality and secure roller garage door at any size. Ignore or go cheap on one or more and the door starts to be compromised and there are a lot of moving parts in a roller garage door which can be forced or fail.
Brands to consider for Security doors:
SeceuroGlide Excel
The SeceuroGlide Excel is an aluminium, insulated, robust and reliable roller garage door. This particular roller door is unique in that it offers a Level 1 'Secured by Design' rating, one of the first of its kind in the UK.
The Excel is an upgraded higher security version of the already hugely successful standard SeceuroGlide Classic electric insulated roller garage door that we have been selling for 25 years. The SeceuroGlide Classic roller door is already very secure with its patented locking mechanism, strong insulated slats and reliable and unobtrusive high quality tube motor system.
The Excel simply takes all the existing attributes and fine tunes the security system. This offers a door capable of impressing and passing an examination and certification system that is universally recognised in the UK for doors and windows alike.
The door is made to order for every customer to ensure the very best use out of the garage. The vertical operation is the most appealing feature for ease of operation even when there is a vehicle parked right in front of the garage.
The SeceuroGlide Excel is also a very attractive garage door in its own right. The Excel uses a high quality insulated aluminium slat with a superb choice of fully finished paint and laminate foil finishes. This door is set apart from other by the very fine details in the high quality slat used.
Tested and Approved
The SeceuroGlide Excel is the first roller garage door to offer Police and Insurance industry approval. Tested to the rigorous LPS 1175 burglary resistance standard, the Excel roller door is certified to resist timed manual attacks that mimic common burglary methods. Such tests are carried out using commercially available tools such as knives, levers and screwdrivers.
Operated by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB), the UK’s leading independent certification body, the standard is recognised and endorsed by 16 organisations including the Association of British Insurers and the Association of Chief Police Officers.
Secured by Design
The SeceuroGlide Excel has been awarded the prestigious 'Secured by Design' Police Preferred Specification status. Secured by Design is the official UK Police flagship initiative supporting the principles of designing out crime. Such standards can be achieved by use of effective crime prevention and security standards for a wide range of products and applications.
Only products which have been tested and meet the required technical standard can be awarded the Police Preferred Specification and the testing is tough. Research has indicated that Secured by Design usage can reduce burglary and car crime by up to 50% and criminal damage by 25%.
All SeceuroGlide roller garage doors are fully compliant with the very latest regulations regarding the safe use and specification of a remote control garage door.
Physical Security & Patented Locking System
The SeceuroGlide Excel is fitted with an innovative patented locking mechanism that automatically secures the roller door every time it closes. On closing, the aluminium slats firmly interlock spoiling attempts to break through or lift the door by force. To prevent the curtain from being forced out of its guide rails, the Excel also features unique enhanced bottom slat anchors (patent applied for).
In addition, steel end plates and the curtain webbing assembly system also contribute to the security rating. Nearly all basic roller doors are only held secure by the motor itself, but the SeceuroGlide has additional steel teeth at a high level. This further secures down the curtain when closed, ensuring there is no leverage for any attempts of forced entry.
CGT Vortex
Manufactured in the UK to the highest security and performance specification the CGT Vortex door is exceptional in every way. With 5 years warranty the Vortex door comes with Class 5 wind load resistance, Police Secured by Design approved, BRE fully bodily attack tested, LPS1175 issue 8 certification and SR2 security rating when internally face fitted. Other features, as standard, include optical safety edge, wired safety break, and electric operation with 2 transmitters.
Traffic White and Anthracite Grey come as standard with a PPC finish, all other RAL colours are available upon request, the Vortex is not only secure but looks great too!
Security Shutters and Retractable Grilles for Doors and Windows
You can also add to your physical security in your home using any of the Seceuroguard or Seceuroshield grilles or shutters also available from The Garage Door Centre.
We also offer a full range of medium to high security door and window security shutters and grilles all made to order for your home and business.
Like the roller garage doors we have Level 1 'Secured by Design' options for all the various shutters and retractable steel security grilles. These can offer very high levels of physical security for your home and business.
The shutters and grilles can be finished in almost any colour to suit your premises. Most sizes allow manual or electric operation, with the possibility of integrating radio control with other products around your home.